The number one mistake students make when writing an essay is plagiarism. Some of them copy whole sections or paragraphs and do not even realize they have done it. While it may seem like an innocuous mistake, it can have disastrous consequences. Even if you will not be able to you can turn to a professional writing service where you could have help with any task.
Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to avoid plagiarism. Read on to learn how to avoid these common mistakes. And don’t forget to proofread your work! Here are five common mistakes students make when writing an essay.
Poor knowledge of the topic
When you write an essay, you should know your topic well. When you write about a work of art, be sure to indicate your reaction to the work. You also need to show that you can observe what is happening in detail. Remember that this is one of your main tasks in college. If you don’t know the topic well when writing your essay, you may not write it.
Lack of research
Some writers can write an essay without an outline, but an outline will help guide your writing process. You should outline your argument or the entire essay before you start filling in the rest with research and your own opinion. Without an outline, you’re only halfway through the assignment, and the last thing you want is for your essay to fail. Lack of motivation and distractions are common problems that lead to ineffective writing.
Not proofreading your essay
A good proofreader can spot errors that you may have missed in the writing process. Proofreading is an individual process that can be done to improve the overall quality of your work. If you do not proofread your essay, you risk missing serious errors and losing concentration. It is also recommended that you check your writing separately for spelling and punctuation errors. Here are some tips to help you proofread your work.
Read your work for consistency in tone and convention. Make sure your sentences are simple and not repetitive. Avoid clunky phrases and superfluous words and sentences. Check for sentence fragments, incomplete sentences, subject and predicate agreement, correct plural and possessive case usage, and punctuation errors. Do not skip this step! Your work will be accepted better if you check it before sending it to your teacher.
Not following the correct structure
It is very important to follow proper structure when writing your essay. You should always use quotations in your paper because they provide support and understanding of what you are saying. The number of quotations should not exceed three in each paragraph. An excess of quotations can hinder the development of your ideas and make your work confusing. You should also make sure that you use your ideas and not someone else’s.
Lack of a clear idea of what you want to write
A common mistake that many people make when writing an essay is not having a clear idea of what you want the reader to get out of your essay. In many cases, a simple joke may mean different things to different people, so if your target audience is mostly young adults, a joke may not be the best way to get your message across. When writing your essay, ask yourself five questions. The answers to these questions will form the thesis statement that will guide your essay writing.
Using too much detail. Excessive detail is common mistake writers make. Nervous writers don’t know whether to use enough detail or go overboard. They may get carried away and rewrite the essay. Instead, be bolder and cut the description down to its essence so the reader sees the world through your writer’s eyes. There are other ways to make an essay more impressive, such as avoiding excessive use of linguistics.