Acquiring new knowledge is an absolute requirement to keep your career alive and make yourself competitive in the labor market. And granted, ever since ancient times we had volumes of text describing the most efficient ways for obtaining new knowledge.
These days, though, we are living in an age dominated by digital technologies and the perks of the digital revolution are spilling over all facets of human society, learning included. One of the most popular fruits of this marriage comes in the form of game-based learning which is gaining quite a lot of traction these days.
Let’s see how this asset can help you handle responsibilities like corporate training.
Helping people take risks and make mistakes
Things make a critical part of the learning and scientific process but are curiously absent from most of the traditional forms of education. But, older video games were built around the idea of taking risks and exploring the levels through a process of trial and error. That is why you can remember the layout of some titles you have played 20 years ago and can’t recall the info you have learned only a couple of years ago. Game-based learning takes this gaming concept and uses it to encourage independent thinking, solving problems, taking risks, and retaining the acquired knowledge longer, making learning fun and simple.
Improving trainee engagement
People are highly motivated by positive feedback and successfully finishing various tasks. That is why various apps for quitting smoking and developing some habits are stacked with various badges, rewards, and other collectibles designed to keep users hooked while they are plowing through challenges. This achievement-based system makes the foundation of modern games-based learning. Breaking the lessons down into the small unlockable assignments that reward players with collectibles and access to new lessons keeps the learning process fun, engaging, dynamic, proactive, and keeps the users addicted.
Simulating real-life business scenarios
Mastering some skills requires training and real-life experience. In most cases, people are able to gain that experience either through an internship or after they find employment, neither of which are great scenarios. On the other hand, modern learning platforms are capable of simulating situations like risk management or budgeting and allowing trainees to earn applicable business acumen before they are thrown into the fire. Furthermore, since these simulations envelop in a safe, controlled environment, the users are encouraged to try out different problem-solving methods which make their skills deeper.
High level of immersion and interactivity
Human beings have a limited attention span. If they are not shaken up or forced to take some action, their thoughts will eventually wander off and their ability to participate in the process they are engaged in will drop. That is why educational video games and similar tools always make a preferable alternative even to best-produced videos, podcasts, and similar pieces of passive content. Since they are constantly engaged in an interactive process that requires a high level of alertness and two-way exchange of data, trainees are able to achieve much higher levels of alertness and tackle the curriculum much easier.
Reinforcing favorable behaviors
As any business owner knows, favorable employee behavior can best be steered and reinforced with two simple methods – rewards and recognition. The same rules can be applied in the field of corporate training. One of the best things about the educational video game platforms is that they are using both these powerful assets on a streamlined and almost subconscious level. Once people start coming close to the solution of the problem the platform will give them nods aimed at supporting favorable actions. And once they complete the challenge they will receive some sort of reward creating a sense of gratification.
Improving training efficiency
In the end, we can conclude that all the benefits we have mentioned above make corporate training simpler, faster, and overall more efficient. This simple fact shouldn’t be neglected for two major reasons. First, this is a considerable budget item that needs to be addressed in the most favorable manner. Trying to make the process more streamlined definitely affects its ROI. Second, employees who engage in any kind of corporate training are expected to acquire knowledge that has a tremendous impact on their day-to-day performance. Gama-based training makes sure both these factors have positive implications.
So, there you have it – the top six reasons why you should consider enrolling in game-based corporate training or giving your employees access to this kind of training assets. When it comes to education the general rule of thumb is that the more interactive the learning process is the trainees will acquire better and more enduring knowledge. Educational video games are taking this concept and pushing it to an entirely new level creating an unprecedented level of engagement and information retention. In a world so fast-paced and relentless as today’s, these things are something you should definitely keep in mind.