If you are or plan to become sexually active, you might be wondering what the best birth control is. However, there are many forms you can choose from, from pills to physical barriers. Understandably, the vast array of options might be a bit overwhelming when you’re trying to decide which one is right for you.
Fortunately, there’s a lot of information available that can help you easily decide which method of birth control you want to use. Listed below are several high quality options to help you prevent an unplanned pregnancy Des Plaines, IL.
Birth Control Pill
The birth control pill is one of the most common forms of birth control. These hormonal pills prevent sperm from coming in contact with the egg and by stopping ovulation. The hormones in the pill can also make your period lighter or stop entirely.
Birth control pills come in monthly packs. When taken correctly, the pill is more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy. In addition, the pill is safe, easy to access through your doctor or clinic, and offers several other health benefits. The most important thing to remember is that you have to take your pill at the same time each day for maximum protection.
Birth Control Patch
The birth control patch is very similar to the pill. It delivers a dose of hormones into your body to prevent ovulation from occurring. It does this by releasing hormones through your skin. Like the pill, birth control patches work best when used exactly as directed.
Intrauterine Device
An intrauterine device, or IUD, is a T-shaped device made of plastic or metal that your doctor inserts into your cervix. The materials in the IUD prevent sperm from passing the cervix and reaching the egg.
IUDs can be hormonal or non-hormonal. Non-hormonal IUDs may or may not affect your period, but hormonal IUDs often affect your cycle the same way a hormonal birth control pill or patch would. The main benefit to IUDs is that they only have to be replaced every few years. That means you won’t have to worry about remembering a daily pill.
Birth control implants are tiny rods that your doctor will implant into your arm. Once there, it will release a steady dose of hormones into your body to prevent unplanned pregnancies. The implant works by thickening cervical mucus and stopping ovulation. Like an IUD, an implant is very low-maintenance.
Physical Barriers
Physical birth control methods include condoms, diaphragms, and contraceptive sponges. Each of these has to be used properly to ensure maximum effectiveness. However, condoms and diaphragms are typically much more effective at preventing pregnancy than sponges. Condoms also have the added benefit of protecting against STDs.
Birth control options are abundant, but choosing which one is best for you doesn’t have to be complicated. Talk to your doctor at your next visit, and he or she can give you the proper resources and information to make the best choice.