How to Start a Travel Instagram
Do you love traveling and taking pictures? If so, starting a travel Instagram account could be a great way to share your photos and experiences with the world.
You can not only share your dream destinations on Instagram, but you can also make money doing it. There are many ways to make money on Instagram, and being a travel blogger is one.
However, if you want to organically grow Instagram account, the task may be a bit tricky, but with some knowledge and dedication, your Fun base will grow. So, how do you ensure that your account stands out with so many other people doing the same thing as you? How do you make sure that people not only like your photos but also follow you? Read on to find the answers.
Write A Catchy Bio
When creating a travel profile, it is vital to write a catchy bio. That is your chance to introduce yourself and show people what they can expect from following your account. Also, don’t be afraid to add a little personality – after all, people are more likely to follow an account that seems fun.
Use Interesting and Engaging Captions
To get followers on Instagram, use exciting and engaging captions. For example, when you make people laugh or think, they are more likely to hit the ‘follow’ button. Try to keep your captions related to your photos. That will help create a theme for your profile that followers can easily latch onto.
Tag Relevant Accounts
When you post a photo, be sure to tag any relevant accounts. For example, tag the official French tourism account if you’re in Paris. Then, when other users see your photo and then click through to these accounts, they might decide to follow you too.
Use Geotags
Adding the location where a photo was taken (geotagging) is a great way to get more followers on Instagram. So, when you post a photo, include the geotag for the location. That will make your photo show up in the “Photos of” section on Instagram for that location, and it’ll also be added to the location’s Story. Also, travel bloggers often share the details about the best airports in the US and around the world.
Use Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to get more people to see your photos. Your photos will show up in the hashtag feed and the main Instagram feed when you use hashtags. Make sure to use popular but not too popular hashtags – you don’t want your photo drowned out by all the others.
Follow Other Travel Accounts
Following other travel accounts are a great way to find inspiration for your account. Plus, when those accounts post new photos, you’ll be one of the first to see them.
Engage With Your Followers
Building relationships with your followers is a great way to keep them interested in your account. Reply to comments, like photos, and follow back anyone who follows you. That will help keep them engaged and coming back for more.
Post Interesting Photos
If you want to grow your travel account, you need to post interesting photos. That can be harder than it sounds. Before going on a trip, think about what makes this destination special. Then, take pictures of those things. You can also ask your followers what they’re interested in seeing and try to capture some of those things too.
Post Consistently
Posting regularly is an excellent way to grow your account. Posting often will keep you in people’s minds, and the algorithm will show you to more people.
Write Captions That Tell a Story
Use the caption separate in Instagram Stories and posts to tell a story about what happened when the photo was taken. That will help people get to know you better, and they may be more likely to engage with you and follow your future trips.
Create A Theme
Creating themes is another way to keep your account interesting and engaging for followers. For example, you could have a theme for each continent you visit, or maybe every month has a different focus (like beach photos in January, waterfall pics in February, etc.).
Last Verdict
As you can see, starting a successful travel Instagram account is not difficult, but it does take time and effort. However, if you follow these steps, you will be well on your way to building an account that people will want to follow.