Maintaining a reliable Internet connection is more critical than ever with the rise of smart home gadgets, online gaming sites, and video streaming services. If you are lagging in playing League of Legends, or you need to download music always, there is a fair probability that the problem will be at the end of your career (ISP).
Check out our tips for troubleshooting with your Internet connection before you schedule a service call with your cable provider. For more issues like the err_connection_reset Chrome issue, visit the link provided for detailed information on the topic.
Ping Command Method
The ping command is one of the first things that you should attempt to do when your link does not function. Open a Command Prompt window and execute a command like Ping
This could mean a network issue if you view any lack of packets (i.e., the webserver did not respond to one or more of the packets you sent). If it takes a long time for the webserver to react to any other packages, this may also mean a network issue. This problem could be with the portal itself (probably not with your Internet service provider or with your network if the problem is the same on many websites) (for example, a problem with your router).
Please be aware that certain websites cannot answer pings. Ping, for example, would never lead to answers.
Problems with a particular website
If you have trouble with links to websites, and ping seems to function well, one (or more) websites may end up having problems.
You can use Down For All or Only For Me, which is a tool that tries to link to websites and decide whether or not they function properly. If the tool claims that the website is not available to anyone, the issue is at the end of the site.
Issues of modem or router
If you have several website issues, your modem or router can trigger them. The modem is your internet service provider’s communicating unit, while the router shares a link with all computers and networked machines in your family. The modem and router may be the same system in some situations.
See the router. Take a look. If there are green lights, this is common and shows network traffic. If you see a constant orange light flashing, that usually tells you the issue. This refers to a modem, which normally has a problem with the blinker of orange light.
Computer Problems
There may be a technical issue with the server because you just have network issues with a computer on your network. A virus or other malware or a problem with a particular browser can cause this problem.
Do an anti-virus on the machine and attempt to load another browser to use the other browser to enter the website. Many other device bugs, including a malfunctioned firewall, may be caused.
Problems with DNS Server
Your machine contacts your DNS server as you want to reach and request IP address. Your internet service provider provides the default DNS servers that your network uses, which can be difficult often.
At your IP address, you can attempt to directly access a website that bypasses the DNS server. Connect this address to the Google address bar in your web browser, for instance:
If the IP address approach is working, but you can’t still reach, the DNS servers are problematic. You should use a third-party DNS server such as OpenDNS or Google Public DNS instead of waiting for your Internet Service Provider to address this issue.