A recent study shows that workplace wellness programs can yield an ROI of $1.50 for every dollar spent. That’s not a bad ROI by anyone’s standards.
Profits aside, it’s well-known that Healthy employees are more productive, take fewer sick days, and experience greater motivation.
Apart from the obvious health and safety regulations and new safe work environment protocols, there are many other steps you can take toward improving workplace wellness.
Here’s how to create a workplace wellness strategy for your small business without spending a fortune.
Create Opportunities for Exercise
Access to exercise facilities is one of the major wellness benefits to prioritize above all others. It contributes to better mental health as well as immunity.
Exercise is a major contributor toward cardiovascular health too, which in turn prevents heart attacks and stroke. It only takes around 150 minutes of exercise a week to stay healthy. That’s just over 20 minutes a day.
You don’t need to build a gym to help keep your employees fit. Create a pleasant walking track outside your office, or encourage employees to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Install a bike rack and challenge employees to cycle to work. A simple addition like a shower room at the office can encourage them to visit the gym before work or during their lunch hour.
Improving Workplace Wellness as a Team
Think of fun activities for your employees to do together. Not only will this encourage healthy exercise, but it’s also a good team-building initiative.
Some of these employee wellness ideas include:
Sponsoring a company sports team
Paying their entry fees for a local team fun run
Arranging for a group fitness session with a personal trainer
Talk to employees about the activities they enjoy and get creative with a custom wellness program that caters to their interests.
Amp up Your Meetings
Regular team meetings are vital to business success, but they needn’t become boring sit-down affairs. Encourage walking meetings where participants head outside to a nearby park to discuss the day’s business.
Not only will they benefit from fresh air and exercise, but they’ll learn to look forward to these events.
Promote Healthy Eating
If you have a company canteen, replace some of your usual menu items with healthier options. You can also set aside a day of the week for healthy meals, where team members take turns bringing a nutritious lunch for their co-workers.
Give your employees the tools they need to eat better at work. Make sure your office kitchen has all the necessities for healthy eating.
Provide a fridge for storing salads and milk, and stock up on cutlery and crockery so they can prepare their own healthy meals at lunchtime.
Some businesses provide free fruit or mineral water for their employees.
If you don’t have a kitchen, chat to local food delivery services about offering healthier options for your office.
Support Mental Health
Stress and anxiety lead to a wide array of health problems. They affect energy levels, digestion, and even pregnancy. Stress can also lead to burnout, migraines, and heart disease.
You can save your workers from all this grief by giving them access to simple mental wellness tips and programs that can benefit everyone.
For starters encourage time-outs. Encourage workers to step away from their screens regularly, and to take a breather during stressful projects. You’ll find they return from their sojourn more fired up than ever before.
It’s important to provide your employees with ongoing training regarding mental wellness too. Arrange for local experts on stress management to host talks at your workplace, or research some useful online tools for managing stress.
Encourage Work-Life Balance
Avoid acting like a slave driver when it comes to time off. Keep an open mind when it comes to your employees taking time off for family responsibilities.
Discourage them from working overtime or taking work home. Insist they take a lunch break every day and make exceptions for parents who’d like to attend their children’s sports games or school activities.
You’ll find your employees pay you back with greater commitment, increased loyalty, and better work performance.
Promote Self-Care
Don’t babysit your employees or force them to participate in wellness initiatives. Rather ‘talk the talk’.
Use positive expressions like ‘managing energy’ to encourage healthy attitudes. Notice small improvements in their behavior and praise them for these.
They’ll look to you to set a good example, so you need to practice what you preach too. If you lead the way when it comes to fitness activities, mental health training, and healthy mealtimes, they’ll follow.
In this way, you’ll create a workplace culture that encourages your employees to look out for themselves, to take time for reflection when needed, and to put their health first.
Take time to find out whether your workers are comfortable and equipped for their daily tasks. Provide the option for standing desks and invest in ergonomically designed office furniture that ensures their comfort and health.
Celebrate Your Victories
Get involved with your workplace wellness program and take an interest in your employees’ participation.
Hold regular catch-up sessions with your teams to celebrate their wellness wins. Reward those who’ve taken extra steps to eat right, exercise more, and banish bad habits.
Knowing that you have their welfare at heart, is a wonderful motivating factor to get your workers more involved in taking care of themselves.
Small Steps Lead to Big Rewards
Keep refining and adjusting your wellness initiatives so you can get the maximum engagement from your employees. When you come across the right formula, you’ll find that improving workplace wellness pays off big in the long run.
Are you looking for more ways to boost your business productivity and profits? Explore our website for all the best ideas.