In recent years, Telegram has been more than just a messenger. It has become a place for their businesses and advertisements; now, even the biggest brands and companies have active groups and channels. But the most essential thing that shows these groups’ and channels’ value and credibility is the number of their members. Hence, there is always open competition for members. Sometimes, methods such as buying fake Telegram members are also used to show the members of the group/channel more than their actual size. But what is a fake member, and what advantages and disadvantages does it bring? We will talk more about this topic in this article.
What is fake Telegram member?
Telegram fake member is usually said to users who are not real people and are added to the group/channel as a user. Most of the members of the show are those who have no activity and have a promotional aspect.
Usually, they are automatically added to Telegram channels or groups and used to gain trust and credibility during advertising. Fake members are generally divided into the following two groups.
1: Fake member with a virtual number
2: member ghost fake
The first group comprises members created virtually with the help of fake numbers and software that exist for this purpose. Usually, if there are more than a specified limit of these members, Telegram notices them and deletes them immediately.
The second group is real users, but they have been added to groups and channels illegally and incorrectly.
Why are fake users used in Telegram?
Fake users are usually used in different situations and for various reasons. Usually, the owners of other businesses and brands use fake members with goals such as online advertising, attracting users’ attention, and attracting business partners.
Even though this method is a strategy to increase the visibility of the content, because the members are not actual, you cannot expect a positive engagement rate. In some cases, rather than making a profit, they also hit the business body. In this regard, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this type of Telegram member.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of fake Telegram members?
Using fake Telegram groups or channel members can bring advantages and disadvantages. The following can be introduced among the most important advantages and disadvantages of this strategy.
_ Advantages
1: Increasing the number of members – Fake members help increase the number of members of a group or channel and their users.
2: Attracting attention for advertising – usually, people are attracted to groups/channels that already have many members or attract the attention of advertisers.
_ Disadvantages
1: Reducing credibility and trust – using fake members may reduce the credibility and trust of members and audiences because these members ultimately do not have a fundamental role.
2: Decrease in the quality of interactions and group contents – the presence of fake members may cause a decrease in the quality of interactions and scope of the group or channel because these people may need to be somehow related to the content and topics.
3: Violation of the rules – Using fake members is against the Telegram rules, and using fake members in groups and channels may result in the owner being fined and even having his account deleted.
Is there a permanent member fake?
You have to pay a fee to use a fake member in Telegram. In the first days of using this method, you will see an increase in the number of views of your posts. But these effects are temporary, and the fake members fall entirely after 1-2 months.
Therefore, fake members are only temporarily influential, and the phrase “buying a fake member without shedding” is just an advertising lie, and you should not trust it at all.
Valid methods to attract real members
The best strategy is to attract real members for Telegram channels and groups. Real people profoundly affect businesses and brands active in this messenger. The following methods can be used to lure real members.
- Production of quality content
Quality content will always be the first strategy you can use to attract actual members to Telegram groups and channels. Good content with a powerful story can excite users, turn them from simple members to loyal customers, and even effectively introduce you to other members.
- Interact with business-related channels and groups.
As an efficient manager, constantly interact with other channels and groups active in your field. You can also use methods like post exchange and… to introduce yourself to their members.
- Use contests and discount codes.
The reward system and discount codes in contests and prized posts are pervasive in Telegram. While being simple, it is also very efficient. Try to use it to attract an honest and interested audience.
- Use of hashtags
Hashtags make your content appear structured and help users quickly find and follow their favorite topics with the right hashtag. This will encourage them not only to stay themselves but also to introduce you to others.
- Having a powerful strategy for content
Only post content with a strategy. According to your target audience, share your content according to a correct and timely calendar.
- Use the right tools
There is always a way to make things easier. You can use tools that will help you attract accurate and efficient members. One of the best types of these tools is the
v-user Telegram bulk sender bot. This bot can send messages on a mass scale to the numbers in the audience list, people in groups, people you have been in contact with before, and people’s IDs in PV.
You can send your advertising messages automatically and in a short time with the help of this tool. Search the bot’s name on Google or its website for more information.
How to identify Telegram channels and groups with fake members
At first glance, identifying groups and channels with fake members is tricky. Nowadays, it is possible to buy visits to Telegram posts, but using visits or the number of members to identify whether they are fake is impossible.
Therefore, you can guess whether the members are fake by looking at things like a sudden increase in posts and members or even checking the history of seats and the amount of interaction created. Of course, remember that no method is 100% certain, and the correct diagnosis depends on various factors.
In this article, we introduced you to Telegram member fic and what it is. In the following, I taught various advantages and disadvantages. The most important disadvantages of using fake members are the decrease in the credibility of the Telegram group or channel due to the presence of fake members and the reduction of visits and their drop in a short period. Therefore, always consider this principle that the principal value of a group or channel in Telegram is only due to the existence of its real, genuine, and active members. So, you can attract real members through the ways we introduced.