The sun is essential. Without it, who knows what could happen? But too much exposure to it can be harmful. You don’t want to get burned by its hot rays or worse, develop diseases like skin cancer.
You already know the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. The best method to fight these is to use sun protective factors (SPF) such as sunscreen and sun protection wrap. It is necessary to always keep your skin protected because exposure to harmful UV rays is worse than what you think.
Qualities to look for in good protective clothing
Almost everybody is saying that you have to choose comfort over style because as long as you’re confident and comfortable with what you wear, you would look stunning. Additionally, it would help if you accompany comfort with added protection, so better look for the following qualities in the next piece of clothing you’ll buy.
The best colours to wear for sun protection are dark and bright colours because they can absorb UV light and prevent them from passing through the cloth and reaching your skin.
Instead of thin and loosely woven clothing, you can wear something thicker and denser like denim, synthetic fibres, and wool. You can also check the fabric’s ability to protect you by placing it under a light. The light must not pass through the fabric.
Generally, loose clothing is more preferred than tight fabrics as they tend to stretch, allowing the UV rays to penetrate more easily when fibres are pulled away from each other.
It is already known that you need maximum coverage for your skin as much as possible. For example, wear long-sleeved shirts, or you can also use a sun-protective wrap.
Coolness and breathability
As mentioned, it is always important to maintain your comfort in every outfit you wear. In addition, your sun protective clothing must always keep your body cool and dry, even on a hot and humid day.
Sweat prevention
It is certainly difficult to avoid sweating, especially in hot weather. You don’t need to suffer from the heat and sweat excessively with the clothes you wear. Make sure to choose a fabric that can keep your arms and other body parts dry.
Anti-bacterial properties and odour resistance
When you let sweat stay on your skin, the chances of foul odour and bacteria growth are high. Make sure to choose a sun-protective wrap with anti-bacterial properties and odour resistance feature so you can keep doing your daily activities without any worries and hassle.
Elastic grip
If you want to wear sun-protective arm sleeves, it is better to choose something with a strong elastic grip to ensure that it will stay on your arms and not slide down. This feature is very helpful for people like construction workers, as they often need maximum sun protection when working on site.
Keep your arms, legs, and the rest of your body protected from the harmful rays of the sun by wearing a sun protective factor. Even on cloudy days, it is always better to protect your skin because up to 80% of sun rays can still pass through them. But before you buy your next sun protection wrap, always make sure to look for its best features.