Technology now plays a very crucial role in like it does in many other industries. But predictive analytics especially is now becoming more useful in healthcare in personalized medicine, operational management, and epidemiology.
For a long time, the healthcare industry has shown its preference for a clinical practice that is based on evidence with researches conducted with very high ethical standards. And the use of technologies such as predictive analytics has only helped improve the delivery of healthcare both personally for individuals and on a large scale. The ability to gather and evaluate real-time data to make health predictions cannot be overemphasized. With these predictions, medical practitioners have the power to see future trends in healthcare delivery both for the individuals and on a larger scale.
Data has always been an essential part of health and healthcare delivery. The collaboration of healthcare data with artificial intelligence will continue to improve the way people get treated and their health generally. In the last few years, we have witnessed a massive increase in the use of predictive analytics in healthcare, which has led to the strengthening of health facilities and care decisions.
Machine learning, which is the underlying technology behind predictive analytics, makes healthcare organizations possible to take precautions and preventive measures early enough and deal with medical emergencies when they occur.
According to Tobias Foster`s, college paper writer in, research here are some of the ways that AI in the predictive analysis is improving healthcare:
Predicting the rise of chronic diseases
As the world’s population continues to rise, it is becoming more critical for the medical authorities to keep track of the population’s general health and well-being and take timely preventive steps when necessary. The inability to predict risks of diseases has led to long-term chronic health conditions developing in people, and it always gets harder to treat while also affecting the patient care massively.
But with the capabilities of machine learning and the advancement in predictive analytics and medical technology, it is now possible for healthcare organizations to use predictive analytics powered by artificial intelligence (AI) in managing the health of the population. Big data analytics get insight into patient care by combining different factors together, such as risk score prediction.
- Risk score prediction: this prediction is based on lab test reports, biometric data, electronic health records, and some other social determinants. All of these are combined to provide a deep insight into the health of the populations. By using this data, the machine can identify the sections of the population with many high-risk patients. This alerts the doctors to start planning their interventions in such areas.
Predicting extreme epidemic conditions
This was not possible many years ago, but it certainly is now with predictive analytics. Health organizations can now predict infectious diseases with numerous data such as reported cases, economic profiles, population density, and weather reports, etc.
Machine learning models are now a significant source for big data analytics to improve healthcare services delivery in areas that are highly prone. The ability to predict chronic diseases like cancer and heart attacks efficiently and accurately also leads to improved quality of healthcare that the patient gets and can also significantly reduce the cost.
Ensures optimal allocation of staff and resources
One of the major concerns for healthcare organizations and poor healthcare delivery in some regions is the improper allocation and unbalanced distribution of resources and healthcare facilities. This is the main problem with hospitals in suburban areas and villages. Most of the time, medical practitioners fail to judge the excessive demand for healthcare resources and of unprecedented critical conditions. This then leads to mismanagement of resources and overflowing emergency wards.
But with predictive analytics in healthcare driven by AI, healthcare institutions are now able to streamline the allocation of medical resources better. There are several ways that they do this:
- They predict the fluctuations in the flow of patients to make sure that beds are properly allocated.
- They reschedule staff based on the patient flow, so that patient care is more effective and efficient.
- They detect utilization patterns from patient data to adequately manage the rate of appointment and service.
Some other benefits of artificial intelligence and predictive analysis in healthcare are:
- It creates better results i.e., the patients receive better treatment, and the communities at large are healthier.
- Early intervention in detecting diseases will lead to a change of lifestyle in the patients to help them live a healthier life without needing to go through some medical procedures.
- The prediction of future demands for specialty service, emergency rooms, diagnostic procedures, and vaccinations ensures proactive measures can be taken to watch people’s health and prevent unnecessary loss of lives.
- Small communities and villages can receive help early to deal with outbreaks within the community.
- Professionals working within the insurance industry can anticipate the future cost of healthcare.
Ultimately, the increase in the efficiency of healthcare delivery and allocation of resources will help to reduce the cost of healthcare delivery across boards.
Bottom Line
AI-empowered predictive analytics in the healthcare industry is a win-win for every party that is involved. The healthcare providers and medical practitioners can do their works more efficiently and effectively as they already know which areas to focus on at a particular time and know the types of diseases that they might be encountering in specific regions. This foreknowledge will prepare them to handle future health issues. Consequently, they are able to work both proactively and reactively, depending on the case at hand. The people receiving healthcare will receive better health services. They can also act proactively on the health givers’ recommendation to carry out some lifestyle changes that will help their health and prevent the occurrence of certain chronic diseases.
It is making healthcare easier for the professionals and more affordable for the recipients.