If you recently had a baby, you may be wondering what you can do to get your child to start sleeping through the night. Many babies have trouble sleeping for prolonged, uninterrupted periods of time during their first few months of life, and there’s a good chance that your baby is no exception. Although this is normal, and even the healthiest babies taking organic infant vitamins will likely still have sleep troubles in their early months, you can help ease the stress and help get your baby onto a sleep routine by following a few key tips. Here’s what you need to know about why your baby may be having difficulty sleeping through the night, and how you can adjust your nighttime routine to ensure sound sleep for both your baby and yourself.
Why Is My Baby Not Sleeping Through The Night?
If you’ve been shopping for baby wellness products to help your child sleep through the night, you may want to dig deep first to understand the reasons why your baby may be having sleep difficulties. In broad strokes, many babies:
- Do not yet understand the difference between night and day
- May become hungry or soil their diapers, therefore waking up from their sleep at odd hours
- Have internal cycles that are not yet synced to the 24-hour clock
- May be experiencing a variety of health issues, from teething to unexpected illness to developmental issues and so on
- Need varying levels of sleep for proper physical and mental development
- Are light sleepers because they’re unconsciously safeguarding themselves against potential environmental dangers
Nightime Routine To Help Your Baby Sleep Soundly
Whether you’re waking up every two hours because of a baby cough at night or whether your child simply needs time to learn the distinction between day and night, getting your baby on a routine as quickly as possible is an effective strategy to mitigate sleep difficulties. Try to:
- Slowly stop feeding the baby during the night
- Show your child different self-soothing mechanisms
- Follow the same bedtime routine every night
- Create a pleasant sleeping environment that will relax your baby
- Remain calm, understanding, and patient as your baby adjusts to the new routine
In brief, there are three main takeaways to keep in mind as you start to work on your child’s sleep routine. The most important pointers to remember are:
- Establishing a regular schedule early on;
- Avoiding overstimulation at bedtime and staying patient;
- Gradually weaning your child from night feedings to encourage longer periods of uninterrupted sleep.
If your new baby is struggling to sleep through the night, you’re not alone – many new parents find it difficult to get their baby to sleep soundly for more than a couple hours at a time. Although this is normal as your baby begins to adjust to his or her new routine, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you shift your child onto a better sleep schedule as efficiently as possible. Keep in mind these top reasons why your child may be waking up during the night and the main three tips that can help you remedy your baby’s current sleep issues.