Guest blogging is the most effective way to get your name and company in front of the appropriate people. Guest blogging is a strategy to get backlinks to your web pages that everyone who has ever produced long-form content has heard of. However, it has progressed beyond that.
It’s also a great method to raise brand awareness, boost traffic on your website, and establish yourself as a professional. You see, when you agree to write a guest post for someone else, you’re effectively borrowing their audience to create material that’s beneficial to both the site and their audience, as well as your business. There are some brands that provide guest post submission services according to your business requirements.
First, figure out what you want to achieve.
If you don’t have a clear goal in mind for guest blogging, it’s easy to turn it into a complete waste of time. Even with all of the advantages of guest blogging, if you write for the wrong site, with the wrong audience, in the wrong market, you might make a mistake.
So, first and foremost, figure out why you want to spend your time guest blogging.
Here are a few compelling reasons to do so:
· Create links to your website and send some recommendation traffic your way.
· Increase brand exposure by exposing your company to the right people (and improve brand searches).
· To build your authority in your sector, rank yourself and your brand as professionals.
· Increase your influence in your vocation by becoming a thought leader.
· Demonstrate your experience in a specific skill, proving that you are knowledgeable about the services you provide to your clients.
When you have a clear goal in mind, it will be obvious what types of websites you should provide your content to.
Opportunities for Guest Blogging
Searching Google for companies that accept guest articles is the simplest and most straightforward way to find them.
If you do SERP analysis frequently, you can become creative with it. However, the most common method is to combine a keyword relating to your business with the phrases submit a guest post or write for us, ensuring that such sentences appear in the results.
One disadvantage of this strategy is that everyone uses it, so you will likely find yourself competing for a space in the content schedule with a number of other similar websites (you can avoid this with great pitching). Other tools can be used to see where individuals in your niche are getting published. And then go from there. It all boils down to how you employ the tools.
The most well-known figures in your field
If you keep up with your sector and are active on social media, finding the top names in your sector is rather simple. The issue is that the larger the publication, the more difficult it is to be published. However, if you are willing to accept a lot of rejection and put in some upfront work, it’s not impossible.
Exactly like Neil Patel, the king of guest blogging. Neil creates finished articles that are unique to each magazine. If it was rejected, he would rewrite the story for a different website and pitch it over and over.
He is living proof that having your work published in a prominent publication is entirely achievable. If you are willing to put in the effort.
Join a community and network.
Knowing the website’s editor/content lead is the quickest approach to become accepted as a contributor. This, as well as a variety of other advantages, can be greatly aided by networking. And, when it comes to guest blogging, it is a great method to:
· Make connections with other bloggers in your field (that may well accept guest posting).
· Learn about websites that welcome guest writers and would be a great match for you.
· When advertising your guest material, having a greater reach in your industry; if people have seen you before, they are more inclined to share and engage with it.
Find your tribe by joining communities on LinkedIn, Reddit, and other platforms where your target market hangs out. Other activities, such as conferences, public outreach, or recommendations, can help you develop your network. The larger your community, the more likely you are to locate a decent deal.
Backlinks from competitors
If you are in the game of SEO. You can use the backlinks that your rivals receive as part of your competitor analysis. This is to identify and pitch blogs and newspapers that are already connecting to them.
It is likely that your competitors are guest blogging as well, or that they forgot the chance and now is the ideal time for you to accomplish it. You will not know until you check. If you have access to SEO software, you can simply locate these backlinks and limit the results such that just one backlink for each domain and only blogs are displayed.
Best Practices for Pitching and Writing
You may start selling them all and hoping for a response as soon as you have a reliable source of websites and a selected list of editor contacts. However, this is a definite way to be rejected. Cold email techniques are still effective for proposing, but the only condition is that you tailor your message sufficiently to make it stand out.
Here are some pointers on how to pitch ideas and write killer guest posts.
Learn about the blog.
You should conduct some research before making a move to your desired newspaper. Yes, you cannot do everything automatically; you have to do it naturally. And the first thing you should do is familiarize yourself with the blog. If you comprehend what the guest bloggers are talking about, the managing editor who works with them all day will observe. You will not be able to deceive them.
Find out which postings are the most effective.
To come up with useful content ideas, you must first understand the blog. When it comes down to devising, the possibilities are endless. Do not overthink things; simply get them out of your thoughts and then sift.
Warm up with your pitching goal
Doing things that do not scale is the best approach to avoid competition. Spending time warming up your pitch target is a good idea in this instance. The premise is simple: if the editor recognizes your name, they are more likely to approve your suggestion.
Following the publication of your guest post
The job is not done once you’ve published something. You must get your article in front of the appropriate audience. If you want to get the traffic, shares, and outcomes you want. This is an absolute requirement.