Locs are a beautiful way to grow your hair. Butterfly Locs can make from two or more different types of hair. But for this post, we’ll talk about the traditional type create with one’s natural hair. There are many benefits to locing, including being able to wear it in so many ways and using it as a protective style when you don’t want your natural curls or waves showing. But there is also some upkeep involved-locs need plenty of moisture. And conditioning treatments to retain their healthy appearance and feel good on the scalp. If you’re considering getting locs or if you already have them, here are ten things you should know!
Locs are natural and beautiful
Locs are natural, and they don’t require any harsh chemicals or treatments to start growing. Your scalp design to care for locs with the right stuff – your hair. You have an oil gland on your scalp called sebum which is what protects and moisturizes the skin. It is the human equivalent to what nature provides animals with to protect themselves against harsh weather and conditions. So you needn’t be concern about getting it wet during washing. Locs are pretty protective of themselves, but they need love and care just like any other hair type. It’s always best practice to wait until dry before shampoo, though, because that helps avoid removing too much of your natural oils!
Locs are versatile
You can do just about anything with them! Locs are very popular as a protective style for ladies who want to grow their hair out without fussing with styling daily-just start small and let them grow. Also, there are so many styles you can do! As far as color. You can use your natural hair or add some fun colors if that’s some people wear their hair extensive and loose, some wear it in tiny butterfly braids loc on the top of their head like Mrs. Popa (great for working out), some make little puff balls at the temples. Locs can be flat twist or curly-its all about preference!
Locs can be worn in a variety of ways, including traditional locs, cornrows, or twists
Traditional locs are the regular, plait type that starts from a knot. Cornrows can either go straight back or wrap around and up for different looks (more like micro-locs ). Twists work well as an option to cornrows because they allow you to wear your hair more oversized (you can make them as big as you want). And the best part is that you don’t have to relax your natural hair to do any of these styles! Locs need love and attention after separation.
It keep your hair off of your face and neck and provide lots of scalp protection (great if you’re out in the sun). But just like other types of protective hairstyles. The focus needs to pay to the ends. Butterfly locs hairstyle, like twists and cornrows, create a barrier from your daily moisturizer and protectant from getting down to the ends of your hair. So after you separate them, be sure to condition and moisturize thoroughly.
The style is versatile and can be done on any hair texture
Yes, locs can be done on any hair texture. The locs will appear tighter on coarser hair because the locs themselves create a sort of wiry texture, but in general, you can do them on straight to curly hair! It’s all about preference and what you’re comfortable with. Locs are the best option for the summer heat.
With summer weather comes humidity, making it hard to keep your styles looking fresh, no matter what type of hair you have! Locs are great for this time of year because they help protect your ends from drying out too much or becoming frizzy.
There’s no need for unique products to maintain the look
You needn’t spend money on expensive products to maintain your locs. Locs, like all other hair types, require essential hair care maintenance. You can use your regular conditioner and moisturizer to keep them looking fresh and feeling good on the scalp. Nothing special is need. You should wash your hair every two weeks (wet or dry) using a moisturizing shampoo or co-wash with a conditioner. You can use any shampoo and conditioner you want. So please don’t feel the need to buy anything extra-as long as it is moisturizing! If you can’t afford expensive stuff year-round, though, try using coconut oil or olive oil in place of the conditioner once every two weeks or so (use sparingly).
Locs can last up to 6 months with proper care
People with locs wear them all sorts of ways, but on average, it takes about 4-6 months to achieve the look of complete locs (e.g., matted). When you start the initial locking process, it can take 1-3 months for them to get completely locked. This is mainly due to natural hair texture and thickness. That said, you can leave your hair alone for as long as you want and not be embarrasse by the appearance of new growth because they give off a more finished look after some time has passed!
Though locs are easy-breezy, they require patience! Locs don’t stretch your hair. This might be a myth or misconception because when people see locs, they automatically associate them with dreadlocks. But locs are not the same as butterfly dreads!
Also read: You can also try Pop Smoke Braids Hairstyles
Properly cared-for locs will not get tangled or matt
Locs are not matt, which means that they will not tangle! Locs are created by matting the hair with your own hands. When done correctly, locs are completely knot-free! They aren’t like micro-braids that stretch your natural hair. Locs are the same texture as the hair itself. So there is no extra force place on your natural hair to make them appear longer. Another way to think of it is like braiding-when you braid your hair the right way. There’s no need to pay hours picking out all of the knots and tangles after you’re finished styling because there won’t be any!
Butterfly locs create by separating the hair into two sections and then twisting each section in opposite directions
With butterfly locs, your hair is separate into two sections and then twisted in opposite directions. You can start butterfly locs on your hair and over time. The twirling of the strands will create a twist-out-like look (i.e., afro-like). The two sections you separate your hair into depending on how thick your hair is; divide it into four sections for thin or fine hair. The separation is done along the part line. So that you can see both areas of each side. This creates a unique butterfly design on both sides of your head!
For medium to thick hair, divide your hair in half instead of in quarters. Then, with butterfly locs hair, you can give your hair a rest from all of the back-and-forth motion. That is done to achieve twist-outs. In addition, butterfly locs mean to be carefree, so you can wear them however you’d like!
There are several ways to crochet locs
Butterfly locs require two things: 1) having a crochet needle and 2). 100% human hair or synthetic hair without any added textures or chemicals. These types of hairs prevent tangling. Which makes it easier to keep them looking neat and clean when you go out in public. You can use 100% human hair or synthetic hair that make to look like natural dreadlocks. Before you purchase the crocheting needle, make sure it can hold all of your locs at once because if the needle is too small. You won’t be able to finish crocheting in one sitting!
You can crochet butterfly locs in any color you choose. But some colors look better than others on certain skin tones and hair colors. Synthetic hair has received a lot of attention lately. Because it doesn’t require much work when styling, but if you must wear natural human hair
There are no rules to how you wear your locs
Some people wear butterfly locs as shoulder-length butterfly locs, and some wear them as long as their waist! Locs can braid, twist, and straightened to match your lifestyle. On average, though, locs give off a more rough-and-tumble look that is perfect for an active lifestyle. Locs are very versatile! Because there are no rules on how you wear them. It’s entirely up to you how long they will get short butterfly locs!
There are no rules on style and wearing your locs (unless you crocheted them yourself). Because different weaves can make locs look different. The biggest tip for styling. Don’t brush or comb the hair before placing the crochet needle through it because that will cause frizzing, tangling, and matting!
We hope we answered some of your questions about butterfly locs in this brief blog post. If we didn’t answer all of your inquiries, please feel free to ask in the comments below. Do you have any concerns? What other information would you like to know about butterfly locs?